Service times
Sunday school – 9 am
Sunday Worship/Word – 10 am
Wednesday: Bile Study – 7 pm
6706 West Airport Blvd, Houston Texas 77071
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Our desire is to share the message of love healing and restoration to the world, both in-person and online. Join us for experiences of worship and the word online today!
Read about the experiences of some members at Chapel.
Hope you are inspired to worship with us.

The famous saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child.” Well, it took Chapel to raise me. I remember being little (I’m grown now lol) and going to Children’s Church…

When I come to Chapel, I not only fellowship with family and friends, I experience the peace, joy, wisdom, and restoration of the presence of God…

I came to Chapel because I was led by the spirit. I was tired and confused about what was going on at my previous…

I came to Chapel because I was led by the spirit. I was tired and confused about what was going on at my previous…